Alex J. Wood

University of Oxford

Alex J. Wood is a Researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK. His research focuses on the changing nature of labour relations and labour markets. He is currently researching community, solidarity and action among UK, US and Filipino online freelancers who are part of the global gig economy as part of the iLabour project. At the Oxford Internet Institute he previously worked on the Microwork and Virtual Production Networks project which investigated the growth of online outsourcing and labour platforms in Southeast Asia and Subsaharan Africa. His previous research at Cambridge University focused on the changing nature of flexible and insecure forms of work in the UK and USA. He also has a long-standing interest in the relationships between industrial relations, union renewal and emerging forms of workplace representation and patterns of inequality and class. His research has appeared in Work, Employment and Society, Human Relations and Industrial Relations Journal.

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The Network
The Newton Tech4Dev Network research team is led by Dr. Jonathan Corpus Ong, Prof. Peter Lunt, and Prof. Julio C. Teehankee.